Deadline for applications is Thursday 9 January 2020 (24:00 – CET)

Submit the short online application form, via the Google Forms survey 

Energy-SHIFTS is a Horizon 2020 project that feeds energy-related Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) insights into energy policy. If selected as a Policy Associate, we would match you to one of our 20 Policy Fellows (meet them here), through which you would gain access to some of the latest energy policy dilemmas and become part of a network of researchers bridging the policy-research gap.

The Energy-SHIFTS Policy Fellowship scheme enables one-to-one dialogue between policy workers (our Policy Fellows) and energy experts in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Policy Associates), via online and face-to-face meetings. Read more about the fellowship scheme here.

Selected Policy Associates will:

  • Gain insights into the forefront of energy-related policy dilemmas;
  • Impact policy, playing a role in policymaking and having an opportunity to validate their knowledge. Energy-SHIFTS works directly with DG RTD, with deliverables and recommendations feeding into the European Commission;
  • Build future capacity for research-policy dialogue; 
  • Expand their network by obtaining new contacts in policy, possibly visit a high-level policy event, and featuring on the Energy-SHIFTS website.

We are looking for energy-SSH researchers with expertise broadly relevant to, or which can have fruitful conversations with, the themes below. We are particularly interested in bringing under-represented SSH perspectives to the conversations, including for example those from historians, the arts, anthropology and communication sciences.  

Themes that are covered by Fellows include:

  • Social acceptance of energy transition-related changes, including how to communicate with citizens and businesses, and understand NIMBY-related issues. 
  • Behaviours, including accelerating low-carbon lifestyles, anticipating long-term behavioural changes, and designing policies on behavioural or social practice aspects.
  • Just energy transition, including creating policy instruments for alleviating energy poverty, making solar energy accessible, and fostering an inclusive energy transition.
  • Human capital and the energy transition, including implications for employees in the energy sector and readiness of consumers for changes in the energy market.
  • Citizen engagement, including organising active citizen participation and citizen dialogue at different governmental levels, conveying public trust, and how to shift from a stakeholder approach to forge high-level agreements, to a democratic participatory approach.  

What we expect

We are looking for SSH researchers who are intrinsically motivated. Researchers must support the overall objective of the policy fellowship scheme and aim to make their research actionable. Besides, researchers must be willing to invest time and energy in the project.

Eligible researchers:

  • Need to be active in an SSH domain (see list of disciplines) and work on energy as part of their research;
  • Are affiliated to a research institution based in a Horizon 2020 eligible country (see the list here); 
  • Must be available to meet their Fellow virtually (and possibly face to face) between February and May 2020.

The provisional timeline for the Policy Associate scheme is as follows: 

  • January: Selected Policy Associates are matched with a Policy Fellow. Each Fellow is matched with around five Policy Associates;
  • February -May : Policy Associates meet with Fellows, with a minimum of one online meeting. To prepare for this meeting, you are required to prepare and submit a written response addressing the policy question of the Fellow. Based on mutual logistics and achieving diverse representation across the whole scheme, a number of the Associates will also be invited to travel to meet their Fellow in person, and, if possible, attend a high-level policy meeting. Travel and accommodation costs are expensed up to a reasonable maximum. 
  • May: Per theme (see above) a virtual meeting is organised to collect the most impactful insights for the Fellows and Associates.

Matches between Fellows and Associates are made based on the needs and profile of the respective Fellows. Besides, we strive for a selection that balances gender diversity, geographical spread, SSH disciplinary diversity and levels of seniority. This opportunity is not remunerated.

The deadline to apply is Thursday 9 January 2020

Please submit your application through the Google Forms survey. Places for this scheme are not only filled through this call, but also through other channels, including through direct invitations. We aim to review applications quickly, with decisions being communicated within 1-2 weeks after the passing of the deadline. Queries can be directed to Further details on the project’s aims and other activities can be found at