Horizon Scanning Working Group 3: Energy Efficiency
The Energy-SHIFTS Working Groups – of which there are four – run from Autumn 2019 to Summer 2020. This Working Group 3 is specifically interested in research broadly relating to Energy Efficiency.
We will provide a detailed list of 100 Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research questions relating to Energy Efficiency, which we believe should be prioritised in future EU-funded research and innovation, specifically under Horizon Europe. We are identifying these research questions through a systematic Horizon Scanning methodology.
Energy-SHIFTS has a direct policy advice role to the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), and this Working Group will submit its funding recommendations to its Ecological and Social Transitions (C5) and the Clean Energy Transition (D1) units.
Further information can be sought from the Working Group Chair (chris.foulds@anglia.ac.uk).
Working Group 3 steering committee
Working Group 3 members
We are very grateful for the following colleagues who are kindly engaging with us in this Horizon Scanning initiative, as part of the core group of researchers that are helping to select our final research funding priorities and to develop an accompanying narrative that binds our recommendations together.
Name and Surname | Affiliation | Country |
Simone Abram | Durham University | United Kingdom |
Branko Ančić | Institute for Social Research in Zagreb | Croatia |
Efstathios Arapostathis | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece |
Gabriel Badescu | Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj | Romania |
Richard Bull | Nottingham Trent University | UK |
Jed Cohen | Johannes Kepler University | Austria |
Catherine Cooremans | Université de Lausanne & EcoDiagnostic Geneva | Switzerland |
Tessa Dunlop | European Commission Joint Research Centre | Italy |
Niall Dunphy | University College Cork | Ireland |
Claire Dupont | Ghent University | Belgium |
Corinna Fischer | Oeko-Institut E.V. | Germany |
Kirsten Gram-Hanssen | Aalborg University | Denmark |
Catherine Grandclément | Électricité de France (EDF) | France |
Eva Heiskanen | University of Helsinki | Finland |
Nicola Labanca | No affiliation | Italy |
Maria Jeliazkova | Sofia University | Bulgaria |
Helge Jörgens | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | Portugal |
Margit Keller | University of Tartu | Estonia |
Florian Kern | Institute for Ecological Economy Research | Germany |
Patrizia Lombardi | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |
Ruth Mourik | DuneWorks | The Netherlands |
Michael Ornetzeder | Austrian Academy of Sciences | Austria |
Peter Pearson | Imperial College London/Cardiff University | UK |
Harald Rohracher | Linköping University | Sweden |
Marlyne Sahakian | University of Geneve | Switzerland |
Ramazan Sari | Middle East Technical University | Turkey |
Karina Standal | Center for International Climate Research | Norway |
Lidija Živčič | Focus Association for Sustainable Development | Slovenia |
*Additional members may be added in due course
Key publications
Foulds, C., Genard, Q., Berker, T. and Bharucha, Z.P., 2019. Terms of Reference: Energy-SHIFTS Working Group 3 – Energy Efficiency. Cambridge: Energy-SHIFTS.
Foulds, C., Bharucha, Z.P., Krupnik, S., de Geus, T., Suboticki, I., Royston, S. and Ryghaug, M., 2019. An approach to identifying future Social Sciences & Humanities energy research priorities for Horizon Europe: Working Group guidelines for systematic Horizon Scanning. Cambridge: Energy-SHIFTS.