Introducing our Policy Fellows

Jan Magne Bae
Senior Advisor
Norwegian Ministry of
Petroleum and Energy
“I look forward to participating in the Energy-SHIFTS policy fellowship scheme because I believe the researchers and policy makers will learn a lot from each other through the interaction made possible by this programme. We will get access to sound research and they will get access to relevant information from representatives that are close to the political decision-makers”

Miriam Bueno
Technical Advisor
Ministry for the
Ecological Transition (Spain)
“There are several cross-cutting issues between governments, society and researchers in energy-related issues. Being part of this programme is a good opportunity to exchange opinions from different disciplines, and by doing so find holistic solutions to deal with the challenge of the energy transition”

Research projects manager
French electricity transmission
system operator (RTE)
“For me, the fellowship programme represents an opportunity to benefit from a Europe-wide network of expertise on the issue of consumer mobilization in the energy transition.
I hope that this work will allow me to broaden my prospective vision on a European scale”

Gert De Block
Secretary General
CEDEC, the European Federation of Local
and Regional Energy Companies (Belgium)
“The local energy companies that CEDEC is representing are the closest to the citizens and have the societal aspects of energy in their DNA. Participating in Energy-Shifts Fellowship allows us to exchange with scientists on social implications of energy transition measures, to ensure they will be inclusive (a.o on pricing, digital services, appliances & infrastructures) and will benefit the whole society, including vulnerable energy consumers”

Sustainability manager
IKEA Retail Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
“My goal is to make Europe a more sustainable place,namely to enable access to the best available technologies to many citizens and live healthier without a negative impact on environment. Business, including retail, is a perfect match of creating affordable and scalable massive solutions for sustainable consumption and living, with solar energy as first on my mind”

Adel El Gammal
Secretary General
EERA, European Energy
Research Alliance (Belgium)
“Social innovation will have an enabling role in making the clean energy transition happen. I am looking forward to better understanding how behavioural sciences will help in designing and planning the right energy mix in Europe. This will contribute to the creation of the systemic knowledge necessary to bring forward clean energy research, while inspiring new policies that foster the behavioural changes needed to achieve the climate-neutral objective”

Acting Chief Scientist
Israel Ministry of Energy
“I hope that with the help of the Energy-SHIFTS policy fellowship I will be able to address the issue of re-engaging the public trust in government. I would like to be able to convey information for which there is a lot of disinformation around. In particular there are many complex issues in the energy markets, that, we as government need to explain to the public to gain their trust”

Energy Manager
City of Niš (Serbia)
“Participating in the Energy-SHIFTS Fellowship programme, I aim to enhance the engagement between citizens and local administration, building strong relationship between our administration, one of the most advanced in Serbia regarding the energy sector, and Serbian societal needs. Therefore, I am very excited to share our expertise and knowledge with energy-SSH associates”

Energy Manager
Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources; also graduate student, Middle East Technical University
“I am mainly interested in energy economics and energy system modelling, which in my opinion is based on a techno-centric approach and has to be harmonized (or softened) by including values, beliefs and ethics of individuals and/or communities”

Holly Jeffers
Clean Heat Directorate
National UK Goverment
Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
“I am excited to be part of the Energy-SHIFTS policy fellowship scheme. Now is a really exciting time to be working on energy and climate change policy.
Decarbonising heat is an unprecedented challenge and the scholars’ findings can help us understand how we can make the transition work for everyone.”

Green Future Institute (Poland)
“I hope my participation in the Energy-SHIFTS policy fellowship scheme will be very helpful for me, since I am working on the social dimensions of the energy transition. As a local actor contributing to a just energy transition, I also have a lot of tacit knowledge to share and hope that it can be inspiring for other participants and researchers”

Head of campaigns
Service for Environment and Climate
City of Ghent (Belgium)
“We aim local approval for our energy transition and climate plan. For our context and the topics of fossil free future and energy poverty, I am very excited to have access to recent academic insights and to discover how they can help us to accelerate solutions to these challenging transition issues”

Marcos Morell
Director for Renewable Energy
and Power Market
IDAE (Spain)
“Social analysis is a key part of a successful implementation of the energy transition. Social acceptance of an ambitious objective is crucial for its fulfilment. Participating in this programme, I expect researchers to help me consider the social view in my planning work”

Pellerín Carlin
Jacques Delors Institute (France)
“I would like to be more up-to-date with the latest evolution of scientific findings and taking part in this programme allows me to keep in touch with the best scientific understanding of energy challenges we face and provide better policy-relevant analysis and policy recommendations”

Head of Unit
E.C Joint Research Centre
(The Netherlands)
“This Programme is a great challenge to force myself to interact, debate with and account for options that account for SSH considerations”

Project Manager
ADELPHI University (Germany)
“I am excited to join the fellowship scheme because it is vital for a successful energy transition to take societal needs adequately into account. The often underestimated social aspects of the energy transition, such as energy poverty alleviation, are important issues for researchers and policy makers alike”

Hanna Uhl
Ministry of Development
“One of my biggest motivations is to learn different perceptions of the issues I work on in order to find new solutions and improve my work and how to communicate to citizens (regarding new regulations, the fight against air pollution etc.). I am also eager to learn more about how to convince SMEs to participate in the low-emission transformation (changing business models etc.) and how to fight energy poverty“

van der Enden
Civil Servant
Gemeente Westland (The Netherlands)
“Participation in the Energy-SHIFTS policy fellowship scheme is a great opportunity to link recent scientific insights with the everyday reality. In the future, there will be differences in the way people heat their homes. This means differences in costs and comfort.
How do we make this acceptable in a country that loves its equality?”

Molly Walsh
Renewables campaigner
Friends of the Earth Europe (Belgium)
“I am delighted to take part in the Energy-SHIFTS policy fellowship and to have an opportunity to deepen my expertise on Energy Transition issues. I care passionately about energy issues, democracy and in particular the intersection of those issues. In my work I am campaigning to ensure that the new energy system we are building is in the hands of citizens.
I look forward to sharing and connecting with other fellows”
Charlotte Koot, Menno Ottens,
Andrea de Ruiter
Combined Fellowship
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (The Netherlands)
“With the Dutch Climate Agreement concluded recently, the societal aspect of the energy transition has been put on the agenda. As three policy officers working in this field, we believe insights from humanities and social sciences can be particularly helpful to effectively bring the Climate Agreement into practice, specifically when it comes to public acceptance and participation. We look forward to learning more about this as well as sharing our policy experience and insights to help science think beyond theory”