What is the SET PLAN? | #EnergySHIFTS


The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) is a key stepping-stone to boost the transition towards a climate neutral energy system through the development of low-carbon technologies in a fast and cost-competitive way. Elena Dufour from EERA explains us how this Plan promotes cooperation among EU countries, research institutions and companies.

What is the SET PLAN? | #EnergySHIFTS2020-02-11T10:36:49+00:00

#EnergySHIFTS workshops | Inclusive Engagement in Energy | 25th June


“It’s possible to reap more results if SSH complements technology because SSH increases compatibility between technology and people’s everyday life needs”. Don’t miss these interesting interviews approaching several ways to engage with energy transition.

#EnergySHIFTS workshops | Inclusive Engagement in Energy | 25th June2019-08-13T06:16:03+00:00

Involving External Policyworkers | European University Association (EUA) Energy&Environment Platform


"The aim is to mobilise and build on the capacity of the european universities to contributing the energy transition". Douglas Halliday, Chair of the Energy&Environment Platform at the European University Association (EUA) describes in this interview how crucial the academic community is to enhancing topics such climate change, technologies, or how societies responds to

Involving External Policyworkers | European University Association (EUA) Energy&Environment Platform2019-08-13T06:16:24+00:00

Why do Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) matter for the energy transition?


"Society requires SSH studies more than technology or science". Lidia Borell Damian, director for Research and Innovation at European University Association explains in this interview the role of ESR engaging with energy transition. Find out more about EUA: https://energy.eua.eu/

Why do Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) matter for the energy transition?2019-08-13T06:16:49+00:00

#EnergySHIFTS Workshops | Use of Evidence in Energy Policy | Feedback from participants


Our scoping workshop "Evidence in the energy policy process"held in Brussels during the EnergyWeek provided several conclusions with which participants could enhance their knowledge about the use of energy-SSH evidence in policy development and evaluation. Find out the highlights in this video.

#EnergySHIFTS Workshops | Use of Evidence in Energy Policy | Feedback from participants2019-07-24T10:33:52+00:00

What is Energy-SHIFTS?


Energy-SHIFTS took off and its consortium met for the first time in Cambridge (UK). The Global Sustainability Institute (Anglia Ruskin University) is leading this inclusive and engaging European Forum, which they present here.

What is Energy-SHIFTS?2019-07-09T14:15:45+00:00

Pressure-cooker workshop in Rotterdam: Feedback from participants


“Examining diversity, contributions and challenges of social innovation for energy transitions”, our first scooping workshop took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, hosted by DRIFT, our consortium partner. The aim of the day was gain insights into Social Innovations in Energy. These interviews are based on several perspectives of Social Innovation local and global current

Pressure-cooker workshop in Rotterdam: Feedback from participants2019-04-15T08:47:55+00:00
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