The Energy-SHIFTS policyworkers database intends to bring together on one platform individuals and organisations working on the social aspects of energy in the European energy policy space.

The searchable database contains key details of policy-oriented individuals and organisations involved in European energy policy. This should help capture a concrete picture of the energy policy community and facilitate contacts among policyworkers as well as with energy-Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers.



Please select as many priorities you want and then click on the search button
Renewables (excl. transport fuels) 243
Smart consumption 180
Energy efficiency 211
Transport 112
Carbon Capture and Storage 70
Nuclear 45

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We have found 258 policy workers and/or organisations. Showing from 221 to 230.
  • Technoport


    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and Storage
    creating high quality meeting places and events, and promoting interdisciplinary cooperation between academia, businesses and the public sector.
  • Zaldua, Mirari [Individual]

    Project Manager
    TECNALIA | Spain
    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiency
    Social engagement
  • Polo Álvarez, Lucía [Individual]

    TECNALIA | Spain
    Smart consumption Energy efficiency
    Citizen engagement, energy poverty, Collective Action Initiatives, energy behaviour related, energy transition.
  • Fylaktos, Nestor [Individual]

    Associate Research Scientist
    EEWRC Energy Division | The Cyprus Institute | Cyprus
    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Transport
    Labour market shifts, environmental taxation, behavioural shifts
  • The Netherlands Enterprise Agency


    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiency
    Entrepreneurship; citizen engagement; gas grid
  • The Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association


    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport
    Represents electric car owners in Norway. We cooperate with the Norwegian government, the electric car industry, and other organizations.
  • Pereira, Guillermo Ivan [Individual]

    Research Associate, Sustainable Energy Innovation
    Manchester Institute of Innovation Research | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom (UK)
    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption
    Sustainable Energy Systems, Utilities, Smart Grids, Energy Policy, Business Model Innovation, Innovation Policy
  • Bryhn, Torund [Individual]

    Researcher and Writer
    Beyond Acronyms Project | Thought Laboratories | Norway
    Energy efficiency Carbon Capture and Storage
    citizen engagement, social acceptance of CCS, simplify language and CCS
  • Eecen, Peter [Individual]

    R&D manager Wind Energy
    TNO | Netherlands
    Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiency
    social acceptance for wind energy, circularity, building with nature
  • Tobb


    Smart consumption Energy efficiency
    everyday life and in your home through smart management, useful services and personal advice.