The Energy-SHIFTS policyworkers database intends to bring together on one platform individuals and organisations working on the social aspects of energy in the European energy policy space.
The searchable database contains key details of policy-oriented individuals and organisations involved in European energy policy. This should help capture a concrete picture of the energy policy community and facilitate contacts among policyworkers as well as with energy-Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers.
We have found 258 policy workers and/or organisations.
Showing from 151 to 160.
Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO)
Germany | Research and academic institution
Karimi, Farid | Researcher (leader of energy research group)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Carbon Capture and Storage Nuclearsocail acceptance, energy politics, energy law, Nord Stream, wind energy, common energy market -
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and Storage Nuclearaccess to energy, energy & gender, consumer-driven energy system -
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) - Innovation and Technology Center
Renewables (excluding transport fuels)capacity building, public awareness, sustainable cities -
United Kingdom (UK)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and StorageEnvironmental protection; just transition; environmental justice -
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiency NuclearEnvironmental Characterization, Prevention and Recovery; human safety and health -
Jagiellonian University
Renewables (excluding transport fuels)citizen engagement, fuel poverty, energy discourse -
Kościuszko Institute
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiencysustainable development, energy efficiency, climate diplomacy, energy security -
United Kingdom (UK)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency TransportEnergy development; energy regulation; energy investment -
Krakow Municipality
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transportcarbon taxes; citizen engagement; fuel poverty; urban design; climate diplomacy -
Victoria, Pellicer Sifres [Individual]
Energy Programme Officer
Las Naves | SpainSmart consumption Energy efficiencycitizen empowerment; fuel poverty; energy democrazy