The Energy-SHIFTS policyworkers database intends to bring together on one platform individuals and organisations working on the social aspects of energy in the European energy policy space.
The searchable database contains key details of policy-oriented individuals and organisations involved in European energy policy. This should help capture a concrete picture of the energy policy community and facilitate contacts among policyworkers as well as with energy-Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers.
We have found 258 policy workers and/or organisations.
Showing from 11 to 20.
Herbstritt, Caren [Individual]
Energy Efficiency - Heating | Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy | GermanyRenewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiencySocio-ecological transformation; socio-technical aspects of power & heat; behavioural aspects of power & heat; acceptance of district heating; acceptance of renewable energies -
Orduna-Cao, Àngels [Individual]
Executive Director
A.SPIRE | BelgiumEnergy efficiencyEnergy and Resources Efficiency, Business to Territory, CO2 abatement, Zero-waste to landfill, Competitiveness, Jobs and Growth -
ABMEE - Agency of Brasov for the Management of Energy and Environment
Romania | Private sector organisation or association representing private interests
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiencySEAP; heating network; retrofitting; public transportation -
Rata, Camelia [Individual]
ABMEE - Agency of Brasov for the Management of Energy and Environment | RomaniaEnergy efficiency Transportenergy innovation; decarbonization; sustainable urban mobility; renewable energy sources; citizen engagement -
Tatu, Irina [Individual]
PhD Engineer
ABMEE - Agency of Brasov for the Management of Energy and Environment | RomaniaRenewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiencyenergy innovation; decarbonization; sustainable urban mobility; renewable energy sources; citizen engagement -
Mihaila, Leea [Individual]
PR & Communication Specialist
ABMEE - Agency of Brasov for the Management of Energy and Environment | RomaniaEnergy efficiency Transportenergy innovation; decarbonization; sustainable urban mobility; renewable energy sources; citizen engagement -
ADEME (French Environment & Energy Management Agency)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and Storage NuclearPolicy and regulation; sustainable consumption and production; urban planning; behaviour change -
Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Koninie
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transportregional development, energy efficiency, sustainable growth -
Aldersgate Group
United Kingdom (UK)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and Storage NuclearPolicy; Economy; Resource efficiency; Investment -
Musat, Ana [Individual]
Policy Manager
Aldersgate Group | United Kingdom (UK)Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Energy efficiencyEnergy Innovation, carbon pricing, just transition