The Energy-SHIFTS policyworkers database intends to bring together on one platform individuals and organisations working on the social aspects of energy in the European energy policy space.
The searchable database contains key details of policy-oriented individuals and organisations involved in European energy policy. This should help capture a concrete picture of the energy policy community and facilitate contacts among policyworkers as well as with energy-Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers.
We have found 258 policy workers and/or organisations.
Showing from 181 to 190.
Nyheim-Jomisko, Robert [Individual]
Head of Section
NITO | NorwaySmart consumption TransportClimate justice -
Norsk klimanettverk
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transportnetwork on climate, volunteer, festival -
Norwegian Climate Foundation
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and Storagethink-tank; climate emission; citizen engagement; solutions -
Norwegian Environment Agency
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and StorageGoals: reduce greenhouse gas emissions, manage Norwegian nature and prevent pollution. -
Bae, Jan Magne [Individual]
Senior Advisor
Section for Research and Technology | Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy | NorwaySmart consumption TransportSocial acceptance of renewable energy development, recruitment to the energy sector, smart cities, behavioral patterns, -
Norwegian Ministry of Transport
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Transporttransport, ferry services forming part of the national road system, for coastal management, the marine environment and port and sea transport policy -
Tunstad, Hege [Individual]
Head of Communications
Energy | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | NorwayRenewables (excluding transport fuels) Carbon Capture and Storagestrategic communication that creates change -
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Carbon Capture and Storageensure an integrated and environmentally sound management of the country's water resources, promote efficient energy markets and cost-effective energy use. -
United Kingdom (UK)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiencyMarkets and competition; regulation and delivery of government schemes; consumer rights; vulnerable consumers -
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
United Kingdom (UK)
Renewables (excluding transport fuels) Smart consumption Energy efficiency Transport Carbon Capture and Storage NuclearEnergy policy; climate policy; nuclear; evidence